Safety First Blog

Rpharmy Rounds: I’m Approving Drugs on a Plane

Posted by Caroline McBreen on Jun 18, 2024 2:48:21 PM
Caroline McBreen
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🎶 Approving new drugs with the help of Rpharmy, designated person, it’s a party.  🎶 

I’ll stop singing through the screen and welcome you back to the next Rpharmy Rounds.  Today, we wanted to share a story that gave us a laugh.   

We spoke with a client recently who is the “approver” for his health system’s hazardous drug list. This health system has over 300 hazardous drugs on its Rhazdrugs site and adds 10-50 new drugs every year. Since joining us as an Rhazdrugs customer back in 2019, they’ve already completed their initial annual approval process, as this is part of our build. 

In case you didn’t know, one feature of Rhazdrugs is the approval wizard pictured below. 

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This approval wizard allows you to see when each drug was last updated, last approved, and the date on which it was approved.  In subsequent years after the initial approval, you’ll get reminder emails to approve all drugs on the list 90 days, 60 days, and 30 days before the due date.  If you miss your deadline, you’ll get an email every day (don’t blame us, that’s a feature you all asked for)! 

Now that you have some context, we ran into this “approver” I mentioned above at Health Connect Partners in Dallas.  He proceeded to tell us that he had a long flight and found himself out of things to do.  So he opened his phone, pulled up Rhazdrugs, and completed all of his approvals for the year. 

The moral of this story is that if you ever run out of books, shows, or movies to keep you entertained, just pop open your Rhazdrugs site on your phone and click!   

If any of you have some stories, no matter if they’re groundbreaking in their innovation or will just make me laugh, I want to hear (and share if you’ll let me).  Please reach out to me either via the form linked below or put some time on my calendar. 

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Topics: Rhazdrugs, Policy, USP <800>, Formweb

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