We’ve got that mixed-emotions thing going on here at Rpharmy. After 16 years, our dear friend Lynn Huggins is retiring. While we are happy for the adventures yet to come for Lynn, we’re not sure what Rpharmy looks like without her; she’s been with us since the beginning.
For many years she has led our “Focus on FormWeb” meetings where our customers meet with us in person for hands-on help with their sites. Lynn’s efforts created many deep relationships with customers. In fact, there have been many milestone moments and lots of baby pictures shared between Lynn and our customers. I know that will continue even as Lynn moves on to the next chapter.
Our lead programmer relies on Lynn to “break the things that need to be broken” before a FormWeb launch. Because of her work day-in and day-out with customers, she knows their pain points and works with our dev team to help ensure new FormWeb versions meet our customers’ needs.
She will be greatly missed by the entire Rpharmy family. To say she is greatly appreciated for all of her contributions through the years just doesn’t seem to say it big or loud enough.
I think one of the things I will miss the most is just getting to chat and see how she and John are doing, how the front porch is sitting, and what’s going on with those granddaughters. We’ve all spent lots of years together and as she said after this much of life shared, we’re family.