How are you handling the news that USP <797> and, therefore, USP <800> will be enforceable in less than a year?
Don't sleep on USP <800> like our sweet Lily here.
The “hurry up and wait” period is ending, and come this time next year, USP <797> and USP <800> will be enforceable by the Joint Commission, State Boards of Pharmacy and other accreditation entities.
Here's a month-long celebration we can get behind!
6 Factors For Identifying Hazardous Drugs in Your Organization
USP <800> requires healthcare organizations to document and communicate safety guidelines for hazardous drugs from the NIOSH hazardous drugs list. While this list is helpful, it is not comprehensive. Not only is the most current list more than two years old, but the FDA also approves hundreds of new drugs that could fall into the hazardous category each year.
USP <800> Wrap-Up: Policies and Procedures for Healthcare Worker Safety
Did you know that at least one hazardous drug policy or process made the Top Five USP <800> requirements being reviewed by State Boards of Pharmacy, Accreditors, and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid1?
Are Safety Data Sheets Up-to-Date, Available AND Being Used?
You can bet that the Joint Commission will be checking. We understand that locating, storing and communicating the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) is a laborious job. What if SDS were located on a central platform and, wait for it … were automatically available? It’s possible.
Spelling Out These Legal Terms in Hazardous Drugs Regulations
We're revisiting this blog first published in January 2021 because the terms 'should, shall, must' continue to cause confusion when trying to comply with FDA, OSHA, and USP <800> regulations. Are you one of many healthcare workers still searching for clear definitions of these tricky terms? We're here to help!
USP <800> Documentation Requirements: What You Need to Know
Are hazardous drug protocols documented and accessible in your facility? Seems like a no-brainer, especially considering all of the other potential upgrades and changes your facility may have to undertake to comply with USP <800>. But it’s among the most important pieces of the regulation because what good are policies if the healthcare workers they’re designed to protect do not know about them?
Up Close: Joint Commission Requirements for Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs
We’re continuing to expand on the content from our most popular blog in 2021 - “From Our Customers: The Top 8 Questions To Expect In Joint Commission Inspections.” This time we’ll explain antimicrobial stewardship and how to prepare for the Joint Commission inspectors.
Does Your LASA List Meet Inspection Requirements?
The popularity of our most-read blog from 2021 - “From Our Customers: The Top 8 Questions To Expect In Joint Commission Inspections” - indicates that hospitals and healthcare systems continue to hustle to ensure all i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed before a visit from Joint Commission, accreditation or state board of pharmacy inspectors.